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    Commercial content

    We define commercial child sexual abuse imagery as images or videos that were seemingly produced or being used for the purposes of financial gain by the distributor.

    Of the 255,571 webpages we confirmed as containing child sexual abuse imagery in 2022, 28,933 (11%) were commercial in nature. This is the same as last year, when we took action against 28,390 (11%) commercial webpages.

    Of the commercial sites we actioned, we identified a number of different payment methods being offered.

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    In 2022 we actioned 1,025 reports where commercial sites were offering a payment option. 

    Across all 1,025 reports we found 1,366 instances where crypto currencies were offered as a type of payment. These were attributed to 495 unique URLs at domain level.

    Unfortunately, due to restrictions on some sites, not all payment methods were visible. 40% of those with no payment type visible were ICAP sites. 

    Find out more about our ICAP sites here. 

    What can we do about it?

    We monitor and research any new trends we have observed. Sharing this intelligence with our sister hotlines and law enforcement agencies means that websites can be removed and distributors can be investigated.

    Any payment information displayed on these commercial websites – including cryptocurrency details – is captured and shared with our partners in the financial industry. This helps to prevent misuse of their services and disrupt further distribution of the criminal imagery.